Mu'alim al-Qur'an - Connecting People with The Qur'an

Learn Arabic Alphabets, the Correct Qur'an Recitation, Meanings of the Qur'an, Rules of Tajwid, Memorization, and Arabic language of the Qur'an

Alphabets, Letters and Words

Learn the Arabic letters and words step by step with audio pronunciation helper

Qur'an Recitation

Learn how to read the Qur'an verse by verse and word by word

Meaning of the Qur'an

Translation of the Qur'an


Learning the rules of reading the Qur'an (Tajweed) and color-coded Tajweed recitation with audio helper

Memorizing the Qur'an

Memorizing the Qur'an verse by verse

Qur'anic Language

Learning Arabic as the language of the Qur'an with examples from the Qur'an itself

Mu’alim Al-Qur’an is a self-teaching and self-learning aid of the Qur’an based on modern media platforms. It encompasses all essential aspects of Qur’anic knowledge which is obligated to every Muslim. Its usage also extends to the conventional Qur’an schools as an aid to more efficient and richer learning experience. reducing learning cycle, increasing teaching capacity, and enhancing pupils’ knowledge of the Qur’an from just being learning to recite and memorize the Qur’an to understanding the recitation (tajweed) rules, meanings of the Qur’an, and the language of the Qur’an.

Development plan

The website is the first stage of the development of Mu’alim Al-Qur’an. This first stage is a web-based solution that is accessible online for free through any internet appliance like a PC/Laptop (Mac or Windows), tablets (Apple or Android) and mobile phones (iPhone or Android). In all the appliances, the screen of this web-based Mu’alim Al-Qur’an adjusts perfectly and automatically to suit the appliance’s resolution.

In the second stage Mu’alim Al-Qur’an will be developed to a downloadable mobile application on both iPhone and Android platforms. This mobile app will be accessible offline and will enable users to access all the functionalities and content of the Mu’alim Al-Qur’an without the need to be online through WiFi or mobile data connectivity.

In the third stage Mu’alim Al-Qur’an will be developed to a built-in app in a dedicated branded tablet with all its functionalities and content, thus enabling its accessibility without the need of internet connectivity. Furthermore, the tablet will be equipped with a solar charger which will allow users to access Mu’alim Al-Qur’an without the need of external electricity supply.

Target Audience

Mu’alim Al-Qur’an is primarily intended for non-Arabic speaking Muslims who speak any of the following languages. Swahili, English, French, German, Spanish and Italian. The application is equally useful in self-teaching and self-learning of the Qur’an for any speakers of these languages.


Mu’alim Al-Qur’an includes the following six learning modules: (1) Foundation of Arabic alphabets, letters, and words based on standard Qaida Al-Noorania. (2) Recitation of the Qur’an word-by-word and verse-by-verse. (3) Rules of Tajweed in recitation. (4) Memorization of the Qur’an based on the standard memorization methodology of repetition and tracking progress. (5) The meaning of the Qur’an through translations. and (6) Arabic as the language of the Qur’an.

User’s Engagement

Mu’alim Al-Qur’an allows users to access the application for free through the browsers or mobile application in phones or tablets. The users have a choice to use the application anonymously without tracking their progress or by logging in with an email address and a password to keep track of their progress within a particular stage or between stages. The interaction with Mu’alim Al-Qur’an is made with simple interfaces using touchscreen...

Useful Links

Download Mobile App


Mu'alim al-Qur'an - Connecting People with The Qur'an

Lesson No. 25
Signs of Stopping

Compulsory stop, the reciter has to stop, continuation is prohibited.
Compulsory stop, the reciter has to stop, continuation is prohibited.
The preference is to stop.
The preference is to stop.
The preference is to continue.
The preference is to continue.
The reciter has the choice to either stop or continue.
The reciter has the choice to either stop or continue.
  ۛ ۛ
  ۛ ۛ
The reciter can stop at either of the points but not both.
The reciter can stop at either of the points but not both.
It's not permissible to stop.
It's not permissible to stop.
It's obligatory for the reciter to pause.
It's obligatory for the reciter to pause.
This sign indicates that there is Sajda.

The sign _______________ indicates the reason why we have to make Sajda.

Sajda occurred 14 times in the Qur'an:
Surah 7:206, Surah 13:15
Surah 16:50, Surah 17:109
Surah 19:58, Surah 22:77
Surah 25:60, Surah 27:26
Surah 32:15, Surah 38:24
Surah 41:38, Surah 53:62
Surah 84:21, Surah 96:19
This sign indicates that there is Sajda.

The sign _______________ indicates the reason why we have to make Sajda.

Sajda occurred 14 times in the Qur'an:
Surah 7:206, Surah 13:15
Surah 16:50, Surah 17:109
Surah 19:58, Surah 22:77
Surah 25:60, Surah 27:26
Surah 32:15, Surah 38:24
Surah 41:38, Surah 53:62
Surah 84:21, Surah 96:19